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Concerns About Peyton Manning's Arm Strength?
(3/27 10:42 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... Even before the four neck procedures were done and nerve regeneration was necessary, some scouts noticed a difference in Manning. His numbers didn't tail off much in 2010, but there were subtle hints caught on tape that revised the book on Manning. "The fall-off was significant on film," said one scout from a rival AFC team. "He showed stiffness and lost athletic traits. What made him special was never his athletic ability or movement skills, but you could see it with his arm strength, too." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
So while there seems to be little doubt about his health, questions about arm strength continue. That said, his progress in the nerve regeneration has been substantial over the past two months, and that's given the Broncos and Manning confidence he'll continue to improve. And there's reason to believe the loss of some arm strength in 2010 could've been related to the neck injury he addressed, so the opportunity to return better is there. But his velocity remains in question. "His rotation was fine, his accuracy was fine. But as far as the ball getting from Point A to Point B, and how much time he was giving defensive backs to drive on the football, there was enough there for concern," the AFC scout told NFL Network insider Albert Breer. And if the velocity issue is still there in the fall? "There'll be an adjustment," an executive from a team that pursued Manning told Breer. ... Stay tuned. Manning will clearly be in the spotlight all offseason.


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