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Surprise! Steven Jackson Wants Rams To Pick A Deep Threat
(4/23 4:23 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item. ... Jackson might be okay with the Rams drafting Alabama RB Trent Richardson in the first round, but it certainly isn't his preference. Jackson thinks that the team should be targeting a deep threat to help QB Sam Bradford in the passing game when they get on the clock Thursday night.  Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
He explained his reasoning to KFXX Radio in Portland: "Well, definitely. Me personally, I think that's the way we should go in the first round … adding some more tools and talent around Sam so he can definitely show his ability to be an elite quarterback. But if that guy's off the board, then you have to play GM -- you gotta think what's the best available, what's best for us? So anyone that can be an impact player right away, I think that's what's gonna suit best for us and best for Sam. ..." As PFT's Josh Alper notes, such a move would benefit Jackson as well. Getting a more dangerous passing game would force defenses to back off the line of scrimmage and create more room for Jackson to maneuver. Of course, if the team drafts Richardson, Jackson's concern for Bradford could be moot... Stay tuned.


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