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Kerley: Tim Tebow Throws Harder Than Sanchez
(4/26 12:18 PT)

The Facts:
Jeremy Kerley said he's gotten a chance to catch passes from both Mark Sanchez and Tebow and he already notices a stark contrast. "Different than Mark, different than Mark," Kerley said. "(Tebow's) ball comes out a little bit stronger, but he's accurate, he's more accurate than what I thought he was going to be. ..." When asked how much more velocity on a throw than Sanchez, Kerley said: "A LOT, a lot more velocity. No dis to Mark, he brings it, man." Reported by the Newark Star-Ledger

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Kerley said he was "shocked" when the team decided to bring in Tebow but that "It was a good shocked. We got a winner on our team. Obviously, that's what he is. I was shocked but I was happy. ..." The Jets had to realize that every time a teammate speaks of Tebow in a positive manner the media is likely to spin it as a perceived slight of Sanchez. Still, you have to wonder how many times they hear the "no dis to Mark" preface before it's time to impose a gag order?


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