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Police Still Want To Talk To Kenny Britt
(2/16 3:6 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on an apparently still-ongoing story. ... A New Jersey police spokesman on Friday said police officials would still like to talk to Britt about a stabbing and shooting last month. Reported by the Nashville Tennessean

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
According to the Tennessean, police detectives interviewed Britt last month, but after recently charging a man for the stabbing, police said they wanted Britt to come in for further questioning. Police said the man stabbed is “a close personal friend of Britt.” Police said they contacted Britt’s attorney and requested that Britt come in to provide additional information pertaining to the case, but that hasn’t happened yet police captain Edgar Martinez said. “Mr. Britt has ignored our request for a meeting to discuss additional questions the JCPD has pertaining to the investigation,’’ Martinez said on Friday. ... Britt’s attorney, Robert Lane, has said that police told him Britt was not a suspect in the stabbing or shooting and that there was “zero chance” of Britt being arrested. But it sure sounds like they're still eager to talk to him. ... Stay tuned.


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