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Dr. Andrews: Robert Griffin III Way Ahead Of Schedule
(2/22 5:58 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... Dr. James Andrews, the renowned surgeon who serves as Washington’s team doctor, says Griffin is making great progress in his recovery from major knee surgery last month. “We’ve got him well on his way,” Andrews told Ian Rapoport of NFL Network. Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Andrews continued: “He is an unbelievable athlete as you well know. His recovery is way ahead of schedule so far. We don’t have to do much but try to hold him back, if you want to know the truth. Our whole mode for him, though, is to do what is best for his career, not necessarily what is best for the first game next season. So all of that has to be put on hold and let him get well. ...” Still, Andrews cautioned that there’s still a lot of work for Griffin to do before he’s cleared to return. And Andrews wants Griffin to take things slowly. So even if Griffin is ahead of schedule a month after surgery, he still has a long way to go. And we'll be following along every step of the way.


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