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The Latest: Packers Front Office Torn On Jermichael Finley
(2/25 11:35 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item. ... The Journal Sentinel has learned that the Packers remain torn about the future of the polarizing Finley. Sources indicated that GM Ted Thompson and the coaching staff appear to favor keeping Finley, while other people within the organization, including members of the personnel department, favor his release. Reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
The decisions on Greg Jennings (who apparently is now back in the running for the franchise tag) and Finley are being played out against the backdrop of the Packers' desire to extend the contracts of linebacker Clay Matthews and quarterback Aaron Rodgers in the next few months. Finley, who turns 26 next month, is entering the second year of a two-year, $14 million contract. What is said to be disturbing to the Packers is the fact that his cap salary of $8.75 million will rank second on the team behind Rodgers ($9.75 million) for 2013. The Packers certainly could seek a pay reduction from Finley, perhaps to the $4 or $5 million range. If Finley departs, the Packers would give starting chances to base-blocking Andrew Quarless and athletic but undersized D.J. Williams. Tom Crabtree is expected back one way or another, and then there’s holdover Ryan Taylor and Brandon Bostick, a lithe, speedy receiver resigned off the practice squad.


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