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JaMarcus Russell Denies There Was A Pro Day Planned
(4/11 12:12 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... A leaner, focused and 281-pound Russell dispelled the misconception lurking out there that he canceled a Wednesday pro day for teams interested in his comeback bid. The plan all along has been to make a personal visit to teams such as the Chicago Bears, Arizona Cardinals, New York Jets and anyone else wanting a close-up look when the 2009 No. 1 overall pick dropped well below the 315 pounds he weighed two months ago. "We never had a pro day date scheduled,' Russell told USA TODAY Sports after an impressive Tuesday workout with former Pro Bowl QB Jeff Garcia and 12 NFL and college players. "We came up with the idea that if teams were interested, we'd go in there and work out at their place. It would be better with them having all their coaches there at the same time. It would be better for me, too.'  Reported by USA Today

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
After what USA Today's Jim Corbett characterized as "a strong 51-for-60 throwing showcase in which his accuracy, footwork, conditioning, and focus looked sharp," Russell said he hopes to ultimately prove deserving of another starting opportunity in the NFL. Apprently, the Bears and Cardinals fit Garcia's wish list for Russell. "Those are two ideal teams: You've got Carson Palmer with Arizona and Jay Cutler with Chicago, two quarterbacks who aren't real mobile guys who are more back-in-the-pocket guys, that fits JaMarcus' playing style,' Garcia said. "That would be great for him. Hopefully, it's all real.' Unfortunately for Russell and Garcia, it isn't.'s Darren Urban advised his Twitter followers the Cardinals have no interest in Russell while the Chicago Sun-Times' Sean Jensen “strongly” believes the Bears don’t have any “real interest” in Russell. ... Stay tuned. But don't expect a sudden surge of interest.


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