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Garcon: Robert Griffin III Similar To Manning... But More Dangerous
(4/12 12:11 PT)

The Facts:
Pierre Garcon started his NFL career as one of Peyton Manning’s receivers before leaving for Washington last year and playing with Griffin. And Garcon says he sees a lot of similarities in the two quarterbacks. But Garcon says that while Griffin has many of the same positive traits as Manning, Griffin’s athleticism allows him to attack opposing defenses in a different way. “He can be just as good as Peyton,” Garcon said on NFL AM. “Peyton’s very skilled with his arm, Robert is skilled with his arm and his legs, so that’s what makes him more dynamic and more dangerous.”  Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Garcon said he sees a lot of the same traits between Manning and Griffin in the way they lead their teams. “They are very similar,” Garcon said. “Quarterbacks are natural leaders, they take control of the huddle, their meetings, their teammates around them, communicate with all the players, from offensive linemen to receivers and running backs. They’re similar to each other. Robert’s going to be very good, and just as good as Peyton. ..." As PFT's Michael David Smith notes, that’s high praise from the only receiver who has caught passes from both Manning and Griffin.


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