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Eddie Lacy, Surgeon Both Say Toe A Non-Issue
(5/11 1:49 PT)

The Facts:
Two weeks ago, Lacy tripped all the way to the 61st overall pick. One reason was leaked afterward. Before his final year at Alabama, Lacy underwent surgery on the big toe of his right foot. For a bigger, mashing running back whose job is to inflict and absorb punishment, this was a red flag. But this week, both Lacy and his team doctor at Alabama insisted that the toe is not a problem.  Reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Lacy had surgery on his toe to prevent potential problems. Alabama's team doctor, E. Lyle Cain Jr., believes the window of legitimate concern -- immediately after the surgery -- has passed. And Lacy is not worried at all. "I'm good until I basically can't run on it anymore," Lacy said. "It's nothing that I'm thinking about. I'm pretty sure I won't have any problems with it. It's holding up good. The surgery was basically perfect, and now it's about getting back to doing what I know how to do best. ..." And Lacy believes he'll be the X-factor that finally makes Green Bay's opponents respect the run. "I think that I can be that guy," Lacy said this week. Lacy has had zero setbacks with the foot since surgery. And the Packers, evidently, are banking on it staying that way. After the pick, general manager Ted Thompson said other teams may have been worried about Lacy's health but that they "felt pretty good about it." In the fourth round, Thompson did add UCLA's Johnathan Franklin as insurance.


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