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Mike Goodson's Lawyer Getting An A For Effort
(5/22 12:27 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item. ... Goodson could face up to 10 years in prison for the charges he was arrested for on Friday, but his lawyer is confident he will be able to show the Jets running back wasn't in possession of the gun. Goodson's lawyer, Tony Fusco, said Goodson will plead not guilty to all charges. The Daily News learned that Goodson has informed the Jets the gun wasn't his. "Mike’s charged with possession of that gun, but we’re confident we’re going to be able to show (the gun wasn’t his)," Fusco said.  Reported by the New York Daily News

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
The most serious charge against Goodson is the second-degree unlawful possession of handgun, and would call for a 10-year maximum sentence and three-year minimum prison sentence. However, both Fusco and Garant Evans' lawyer, Joe Afflito, felt the prosecution would have difficulty proving the second-degree charge. The third-degree crime, possession of a loaded handgun, is much simpler to prove and only requires proof that the defendants had the gun and it was loaded. That conviction would come with a recommended sentence of 3-5 years, according to Afflito. If neither Goodson nor Evans, the driver of the car, step up to claim ownership of the gun, they both could be convicted of possession. The marijuana and paraphernalia charges were minor, Afflito said. Fusco said the marijuana also wasn't Goodson's. ... Meanwhile, the key date in the process comes on June 12, when Goodson will have a pre-trial hearing. As pointed out by Mehta, that falls in the middle of the team’s mandatory mini-camp. If Goodson misses practice to attend the hearing, the Jets could penalize Goodson, at a minimum with a fine. ... Stay tuned.


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