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Fantasy Football

Burleson Working; Leshoure Isn't
(5/23 12:14 PT)

The Facts:
There is one veteran player not in attendance during OTAs this week — safety Louis Delmas (knee). There is another veteran player who wasn't expected to participate who is — receiver Nate Burleson. "I wasn't supposed to; I was told not to (practice)," said Burleson, who wasn't supposed to be back from leg surgery until July. "But it's like I always told you guys, if I can walk I can run, and if I can run I can play." Reported by the Detroit Free Press

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Burleson, 31, took part in all the drills, including 7-on-7s. "It's as healed up as it's going to get," he said. "The good thing about being out there is I am playing at a high level and I am not 100 percent. When it gets stronger and I get endurance back in it, I will be back to playing with extreme confidence. ..." Meanwhile, several other players were on the field but not participating on Wednesday, the second of three OTAs this week, including running back Mikel Leshoure. "He's battling some stuff," Schwartz said. "He can do some individual stuff but he's not ready to do any team work." QB Shaun Hill, who had a surgical procedure after the season, still has a boot on his left foot. Receiver Ryan Broyles (knee surgery) was also not participating on Wednesday. ... Stay tuned. More on all the above as developments warrant.


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