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Maurice Jones-Drew Investigation Still Ongoing
(5/29 1:9 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... Jones-Drew allegedly hit a security guard in the face at the Conch House bar and restaurant in St. Augustine, Fla. on Sunday, according to a police report. His agent, however, said no charges have been filed and Jones-Drew didn't hit anybody. "We have confirmed with the St. Augustine Police Department that no charges have been filed against Maurice and that the matter is under investigation," agent Adisa Bakari told's Ian Rapoport. "While Maurice was present when the events in question began, he quickly departed the premises immediately thereafter. Maurice was not involved in any physical altercation, whatsoever." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
St. Augustine police later issued a statement explaining the situation. "The St. Augustine Police Department has taken a notarized statement of Misdemeanor Battery against Jacksonville Jaguar player Maurice Jones-Drew," the statement read. "Jones-Drew has not been charged with any crime and maintains his innocence. He is cooperating fully with our investigation. This matter is an on-going investigation at this time. As soon as we complete our investigation, we will send out a release with our findings or conclusion. ..." According to the police report, a friend of Jones-Drew's put his hands on a security guard after being warned to stop touching a young woman. An alleged scuffle ensued wherein the security guard put the friend in a headlock. At that point, Jones-Drew allegedly knocked out the security guard with a closed fist to the cheek. ... Whatever the case: Jones-Drew will be investigated under the league's personal-conduct policy. The NFL Commissioner's office typically allows the legal process to play out in incidents such as this one before making any decisions. ... So stay tuned.


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