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Fantasy Football

Kellen Winslow Not Lacking Confidence
(7/13 12:18 PT)

The Facts:
Winslow, currently in Mission Viejo, Calif., for Mark Sanchez's Jets West Camp, believes he has plenty of football left as he approaches his 30th birthday. "I averaged around 72 (catches per season over my career)," Winslow said on Friday. "My job is to just make plays. When it comes my way, just make the play. I can exceed that. My goal is always to catch 100 balls. Haven't done it yet, but that's my goal. I want to come close." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
As's Dan Hanzus noted, Winslow's track record tells us he can step into a key role on offense as the team's starting tight end. That same track record hints that bum knees could render him an afterthought by Week 1. Hanzus went on to advise readers that before dismissing Winslow's comments as crazy talk, consider the Jets' current state of affairs. Santonio Holmes -- the team's best receiver -- is still recovering from a serious foot injury and represents something of a mystery. Stephen Hill is learning a new and more complicated offense than the one he failed to master as a rookie last year. Jeremy Kerley led the team in receptions last year with 56 catches for 876 yards and a pair of touchdowns. So is there room for a playmaker? Yes. Is Winslow it? Only if his troublesome knees allow it. Don't invest too heavily.


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