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Fantasy Football

Arian Foster In No Rush To Return To Work
(7/27 11:7 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... After Foster injured a calf muscle during offseason workouts, he attributed the coverage of the situation to the slow time in the news cycle -- and he said he’d “more than likely” be ready for camp. On Saturday, however, Foster ensured it will be a story until the muscle heals. “Sometimes muscle injuries can linger,” Foster said. ”You can’t play through it. It’s not like playing through a broken collarbone. I have played through a lot of things, but this is just something you can’t and there’s no reason to right now. I’m just going to take my time and when I feel 100 percent confident, I’ll be ready.”  Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Foster went on to say that he still has “light soreness” in the leg, but that he ”can do pretty much everything, so I’m just going to take it day-by-day.” As PFT's Mike Florio points out, strained leg muscles need time to heal or they’ll easily become strained again. So Foster will rest. "And when he’s 100 percent," Florio added, "he’ll most likely still be the guy that he has been for the past three seasons. ..." In the meantime, however, fantasy owners will want to keep an eye on the health of Ben Tate. If Tate remains in the locked and upright position all year, Foster we'll likely see less of Foster even if he is the guy we've seen the last three years as the Texans make an effort to keep their superstar running back fresh for a post-season run.


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