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Colin Kaepernick Thinks Working With Olympians Will Make Him Faster
(7/30 12:12 PT)

The Facts:
I think it’s foreign to most of us that a player can significantly improve his speed, but Kaepernick thinks he’s done just that this offseason. He trained in Atlanta with some speed technicians, including long-jumper Dwight Phillips. “I trained with a few Olympic runners and jumpers,” Kaepernick told me. “Just to try to get a little bit faster, a little bit better. Anything I could do to try to get a little bit better and stay ahead of the competition. I think the biggest thing was the form of running and how to be more efficient when I run. I feel like that has helped me to this point, and it’s something I’m trying to improve on more and more, but I think those few weeks with them were very valuable.”  Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
According to King, Kaepernick said he improved his stride and “the way I contact the ground. There are a lot of details to running that I never even thought about. I just went out and ran. I think I can be faster. I think I can be quicker.” Not sure if we’ll notice, but talking to Kaepernick, and seeing how excited he was about his running training, King wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a tick faster in 2013. That said,'s Michael David Smith notes there is some question as to whether the kind of form running that Olympic sprinters do can translate to faster running on the football field. "Running fast in a straight line while wearing shorts isn’t the same thing as running fast in football pads, while carrying a ball and dodging tacklers," Smith contends. "But if Kaepernick’s speed has improved even slightly, that’s good news for the 49ers, and bad news for the rest of the NFL. ..." That's a fact.


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