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Saints GM Hopes Trading Darren Sproles Doesn't Come Back To Bit Him
(3/24 9:18 PT)

The Facts:
Saints GM Mickey Loomis had some tough decisions to make this offseason. One of the most criticized moves was trading Sproles. Loomis said he respects Sproles for what he did for the Saints. The GM admitted Monday at the NFL Annual Meeting he "absolutely" had reservations about trading the dynamic back to a team like the Eagles -- the Saints wild-card opponent last season. "When you trade him to another NFL team, which is all we can do, there's a high likelihood you're going to improve that team," Loomis said. "And that may come back to bite you." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Loomis added, "That's OK. I wish Darren nothing but the best. I know he'll be successful, and we'll be happy for that. ..." Unless his success comes against the Saints. And they'll be even more unhappy if that success comes against the Saints in post-season play. ... We'll note that it remains to be seen how the Eagles plan to use Sproles in their regular offense; but it's safe to assume Chip Kelly is working hard to come up with some unique plans.


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