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Ravens Release Statement On Ray Rice's Indictment
(3/27 5:18 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on the ongoing story. ... Rice has been indicted on a charge of aggravated assault by prosecutors in Atlantic City, N.J. The team released the following statement: “This is part of the due process for Ray. We know there is more to Ray Rice than this one incident.” Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
The grand jury indictment was announced Thursday. The next court date has not yet been set. If Rice is convicted, he could face three to five years in prison. ... The Ravens have stood behind Rice since the incident last month, and Owner Steve Bisciotti voiced his support of him during an interview Monday at the owners meetings before the indictment was announced. They have stood behind Rice as a person based on his historic character, but don’t condone his actions. “He’ll be back with the team. He’ll definitely be back,” Bisciotti said. “I know how terribly disappointing it is to Ray and his fiancée, how embarrassing it is for them. I have to have compassion towards him.” Again, Rice could face punishment from the NFL in the form of a suspension -- but not until the case plays out. ... Stay tuned.


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