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Ben Roethlisberger Apparently On The Mend
(7/7 12:42 PT)

The Facts:
Officials with American Century Championship, a tournament in Lake Tahoe, said Friday that Roethlisberger has committed to play there next weekend, July 14-16. Also, a spokeswoman for a country music group in Pittsburgh, announced Friday that the QB will be shooting a music video with the group on Tuesday at Heinz Field. Reported by the Associated Press

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Well, that he's up and about certainly isn't bad news. ... Roethlisberger underwent seven hours of facial reconstruction surgery June 12 after ramming his motorcycle into a car that turned left in front of him on a Pittsburgh street. Roethlisberger broke his jaw and nose when his head smashed into the car's windshield, and he was thrown over the car onto the pavement. Most observers expect the QB to be ready for action -- whether limited or not -- when the Steelers open camp on July 28.


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