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Terrell Owens Blames Media For Selfish Label
(7/18 12:23 PT)

The Facts:
Owens blames the media for portraying him as a selfish player, although he admits a tendency of saying things about others that he wouldn't want said about himself. Owens said he doesn't think reporters are necessarily conspiring against him as much as using him "to gain viewers' attention." As a result, he believes that he is "misunderstood." He said other players have been, too, "but I feel like I have been one of the main guys who've been vilified." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
And why would they do that? "That's the million-dollar question," he told HBO Real Sports host Bryant Gumbel in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday night. "Why me? ... At some point it does get to me. And I can't say it enough. Dude, I'm human and that's what I'm trying to get people to understand." While Owens admits to dishing out more criticism than he's willing to take, he contends it's because he was picked on as a child. ... Really.


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