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Koren Robinson Further Explains Recent Rehab
(8/1 10:35 PT)

The Facts:
Robinson made headlines last month when it was reported that he had re-entered a South Carolina rehabilitation facility, but he explained again after practice that he was taking alcohol-prevention classes and had not suffered any type of relapse. "There's no distraction from me anywhere," Robinson said. "I've got to do what I've got to do to better myself as a person, as a father, husband, brother, all that -- as a teammate. I just had to take some time for myself to get right." Reported by the St. Paul Pioneer-Press

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Robinson, whose alcohol problems led to his release by Seattle before last season, said he took the classes to make sure his mind was right and strong heading into training camp. "Like I say, you just have to be mindful of your situation," he said. "Anytime you can learn something to better your situation, regardless what it is in any aspect of your life, is always good. ..." Hard to argue with that.


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