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McGahee's Rib Broken; Reed Hospitalized; Neither Ruled Out -- Yet
(11/6 11:7 PT)

The Facts:
Willis McGahee has a broken rib and backup receiver Josh Reed was hospitalized overnight Sunday with a bruised kidney. Dick Jauron said Monday that Reed is resting comfortably, but will likely spend another night in a Buffalo-area hospital as a precautionary measure. Reported by the Associated Press

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Jauron said he will await further tests before ruling either player out for Buffalo's game at Indianapolis this weekend. "We'll make initial decisions on Wednesday and then move from there, but we'll be cautious with them," Jauron said. Of the chances McGahee will play on Sunday, Jauron said "It depends on how painful it is and depends on the extent of the fracture and all of those things that we're still learning. ..." McGahee owners should start working on alternatives; Anthony Thomas is his backup in Buffalo. ... More as the week progresses.


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