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Police Dispute Michael Vick's Jewelry Story
(3/22 8:47 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item, Vick contention that a hidden compartment in a water bottle he tried to take through Miami airport security contained jewelry was disputed by the police department that investigated the Jan. 17 incident. "That's the first we've heard of that," a spokesperson for the Miami-Dade Police Department, said when asked if Vick was carrying jewelry in the bottle. Reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
It's worth noting, there was no mention of jewelry in the initial police report, the statements provided by both security agents involved, in the Florida state attorney's case memo or any of the other related documents obtained by the Journal-Constitution. Vick did not say there was jewelry in the bottle until Thursday. GM Rich McKay, who addressed the incident a day after it happened, never mentioned jewelry in the hidden compartment. In fact, McKay said Thursday he has never spoken to Vick about the contents of the bottle. Vick didn't say what happened to the jewelry in the bottle. ... Anybody else wondering why Vick suddenly started discussing this? Seems like the silent approach was working much better for him.


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