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Distractions Mounting For Michael Vick
(4/26 9:31 PT)

The Facts:
A court hearing for Vick, who was charged with trespassing after fishing in the Western Branch lake in February, is scheduled today for Suffolk General District Court. The hearing won't happen if the fine is paid. It wasn't paid as of Wednesday afternoon, according to an online courts document. Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Vick was issued a summons through the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for trespassing to hunt, fish or trap -- a class three misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500. ... Meanwhile, other reports out of Virginia indicate property in the state owned by Vick has been searched by police and animal control officials investigating charges. WAVY-TV reports that police discovered "animal neglect" on the property, in the form of dogs that appeared to be "hungry and forgotten. ..." While Vick, who is said to rarely visit the property, isn't directly implicated, the case is worth watching. At the very least, it adds to the long series of distractions the speedy QB has dealt with on a regular basis in recent years.


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