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Investigators Looking For Michael Vick Video
(5/15 1:53 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item. ... The lead investigator in the case of dog-fighting accusations against Vick said Monday that she believes there is substantial evidence to eventually tie Vick directly to the felony crime. That evidence could eventually include videotapes of Vick at matches. "We don't know where (the tapes) are or if they do indeed exist, but I have been told that they are out there," said Kathy Strouse, the Animal Control coordinator for the City of Chesapeake in Virginia. Reported by Yahoo! Sports

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Strouse went on to explain she has received a tip from what is described as a "reliable source" that tapes of Vick exist that would tie him directly to the burgeoning scandal. Even without direct video evidence, Strouse said she is "very confident" about eventually tying Vick directly to the dog fighting based on the evidence she and other investigators have gathered. ... Dog fighting is a felony in 48 states and is a misdemeanor in Idaho and Wyoming. In Virginia, a conviction can carry up to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500. ... Once again, stay tuned. We clearly haven't heard the last of this one.


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