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Fantasy Football

Goodell Looking Into Michael Vick Gambling Angle
(8/11 1:15 PT)

The Facts:
Though the NFL and the media haven't had much to say about the gambling aspects of Vick's indictment on federal conspiracy charges, that all could be changing. Asked whether the details of the dog-fighting operation has overshadowed the fact that it was, in essence, a gambling enterprise, commissioner Roger Goodell told USA Today, "Not from our standpoint." Reported by

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
As PFT editor Mike Florio noted, the league's gambling policy is a stand-alone document, and its principles pop up in the Standard Player Contract. Knowingly associating with gamblers or with gambling activity is enough to get a player in serious trouble, including banned for life. Vick currently is accused of funding a dog-fighting operation in which the owners of the two canines put up an equal amount of money, and the winner took the pot. ... And as Florio further noted, the commissioner isn't bound by the notions of due process; the NFLPA already has bargained away any such rights. Thus, Goodell can conduct his own investigation, make his own determination, impose discipline, and then review the decision on appeal. ... Stay tuned.


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