The Facts:
Vick has signed a plea agreement in which he admits to sponsoring a dog-fighting operation and promoting a business enterprise involving gambling but did not admit personally to killing any dogs. However, the summary of facts accompanying the plea agreement said Vick was aware four dogs were killed in 2002 and six to eight dogs were killed this past April as a result of the "collective efforts" of Vick and two of his co-defendants.
Reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Vick and his three co-defendants and others were involved in dog fights at his property in Virginia and in other states, says the summary of facts accompanying the plea agreement. This began in 2001 and carried on through this past April. In 2002, according to the agreement, Vick and his co-defendants” "rolled" or "tested" dogs by putting them through fighting sessions to determine which ones were good fighters. "Vick was aware that his three co-defendants killed a number of dogs that did not perform well in testing sessions around this time," the summary says. "Vick did not kill any dogs at this time. ..." More as developments warrant.