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Still More Randy Moss: WR's Attorney Fires Back
(1/17 10:31 PT)

The Facts:
Tim DiPiero, agent for Moss, emailed the Boston Herald Thursday night regarding the situation regarding his client. In the message, DiPiero openly claims the lawyer for Rachelle Washington, Moss' accuser, attempted to blackmail the wide receiver. Review the full text of his e-mail HERE. Reported by the Boston Globe

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Among the passages of interest, this is among the more pertinent found in DePiero's e-mail: "On Friday afternoon, I contacted the FBI and the US Attorneys’ Offices here in Charleston about his threats. [Washington's attorney David] McGill claimed to be driving to the courthouse to file the complaint. I asked if by six figures, he meant $100,000 and he told me to quit 'nickel and diming' him. The filing time passed on Friday and he was upset that he had not filed before the Patriot game on Saturday. He kept pushing me to make a big offer. We asked him for a figure and after refusing for awhile, he gave us one, '$500,000, take it or leave it. ...'" The e-mail is an aggressive -- at times combative -- defense of Moss.


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