The Facts:
In a procedure performed by Chargers team physician David Chao, Rivers had the patella tendon in his right knee removed and then attached in place of his ACL over the weekend. Rivers said he should be walking by the end of the week. His rehabilitation is expected to take six months, but he and others in the organization have expressed optimism it can be quicker. "That's the latter end of it," Rivers said. "I'm going to be ready for training camp."
Reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune
Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Rivers had anticipated waiting until the second week of February to have surgery. But he decided sooner was better. "I'm looking at it like in late July I'd be wishing I had these 2½ weeks back," he said yesterday. In 2006, Bengals QB Carson Palmer had his ACL replaced Jan. 10 and participated fully in training camp that year. Rivers, who could begin jogging within two months and doing more arduous running in three months, underwent the preferred surgery among elite athletes. Having the patella tendon inserted makes the rehabilitation more painful, but it allows for the quickest and sturdiest healing.